Would you like me to uncover the two key areas that you need to concentrate on, to ensure your customers not only stay with you, but refer you to their contacts?

If the answer’s “Yes”, then read on!

As you’re probably aware, the cost of getting a new customer is eight times more money and eight times more time, then retaining your existing customers.

So if this is the case, why are we spending so much time on Lead Generation, at the expense of ignoring our existing client base?

Here’s another thought-provoking question for you…

“If you knew that there was a high chance that you’ll lose your top customers over the coming weeks and months ahead, what would you do about it?”

The reason I ask this question, is that we will all lose customers. End of story.

Some will move on because they feel they can get a better service elsewhere.

Some will have no need for your product or service in the future.

Or… If you’re selling to businesses, the client might sell up to somebody new who you haven’t got a relationship with.

There are indeed heaps of reasons why we’ll all lose customers. Regardless of why we might lose them though, if we can do anything to retain them, and save time, energy and money in the process, why wouldn’t we spend a little time thinking about that right now?

I’ve detailed below, a formula which you may not have seen before… The formula is this…

So what do I mean by that and how will knowing this help you?

Well the way I look at it is this…

Your current customers will each fall into one of the following brackets:

A. They’re getting the product or service they expect from you, and are happy with what they’re receiving. At least one staff member in your organisation has a great relationship with them as well… or…

B. They’re getting the results they want from working with you, but your relationship with them is purely transactional… or…

C. They have a great relationship with you, but they’re not really getting the product or service they were hoping for… or…

D. They’ve neither got the relationship or the results they’re looking for from working with you.

Now we can see our business hopefully through the eyes of our customers, I’ve now got a simple 5 minute job for you to do right now, to help you identify the areas of improvement you can make right now and save yourself the heartache of losing profitable business…

1. List your top 10 customers.

2. Next to each customer, put them into one of the four brackets above.

3. Then for the customers that are in brackets B, C and D, write an action point next to each one… in other words, something simple you can do to improve either their results or their relationship with you.

Once complete you’ll now have a level of visibility and clarity as to what you need to do right now, to ensure your customers not only stay with you, but refer you to others.

If you’re still unsure exactly how you can improve the retention of your clients, click the button below, and book in a call with me.

Or alternatively, you’ve got this nailed already, and you’re just looking to build a business that could work without you. In which case, click the button below and book in a ‘Virtual Coffee’ to discuss further. I’m looking forward to speaking with you.