Time management is a critical skill essential for success in all areas of life.

However, we’ve all had those moments when time slips away too quickly, leaving us scrambling to meet deadlines, showing up fashionably late for appointments, or even forgetting important tasks.

Trust me, I’ve been there too!

So, how can we avoid time management mistakes?

Let’s look at the biggest mistakes I’ve observed with small business owners and how to overcome them.


Procrastination is the art of delaying tasks that we should be tackling head-on. It’s that little voice inside our heads saying, “I’ll do it later,” while we get lost in other temptations.

We all have those jobs we’d rather avoid, whether wrestling with spreadsheets or tackling a hefty report.

The good news is that we have the power to conquer this! We can chip away at even the most intimidating tasks by setting manageable goals and taking small, bite-sized steps.

Top Tip: I love the book “Eat That Frog!” By Brian Tracy. It’s all about overcoming procrastination and learning to manage your time. It’s normal to feel drowned in work, but when you learn to “eat your frogs” – meaning do your most important tasks first – you’ll work more efficiently and be happier too.

Failure to Prioritise

When we don’t prioritise our tasks, things can get pretty chaotic. We end up wasting precious time on the less important stuff, leaving the crucial tasks neglected and scrambling to catch up.

Top Tip: Having someone to hold us accountable can work wonders in inspiring us to work on what is important. I recommend finding an accountability buddy, whether it’s a colleague, a fellow business owner, or someone you can regularly talk to or co-work with. Start by setting a deadline and identify your top three priorities. Trust me, it’ll make a big difference!

Lack of Planning

When we fly by the seat of our pants without a solid plan, things can quickly spiral out of control. We risk getting sidetracked, forgetting important tasks, and ending up in a big mess. We don’t plan today what you plan to do tomorrow!

We can overcome this challenge by setting clear goals and creating a roadmap to guide you on your journey.

Top Tip: I’m a big fan of time blocking. This involves scheduling time in your diary to do specific tasks. For example, marketing, new business development or simply admin. Try to leave some space for last-minute life curveballs (they happen occasionally), and know that your key tasks have been allocated the correct amount of time.


Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Saying yes to every request or taking on too many responsibilities can lead to a chaotic schedule, increased stress, and decreased productivity.

However, saying yes is especially important for those who are self-employed. The worry of securing the next job can tempt us into taking on every opportunity that comes our way.

But here’s the catch: by overcommitting ourselves, we risk spreading ourselves too thin, compromising the quality of our work, and ultimately burning out. It’s like a double-edged sword that defeats the purpose of saying yes in the first place.

Here’s a very simple tip to overcome this – embrace the power of “no”.

It might sound counterintuitive, but learning to say no is a superpower regarding effective time management. Setting realistic boundaries and understanding our limitations is essential for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling schedule.

“Don’t be a busy fool!” as they say!

Constantly Multitasking

Multitasking is a myth!

We’ve all been told that multitasking is a skill. But, the truth is that constantly juggling multiple tasks can do more harm than good, hindering our productivity and focus.

It’s all about prioritising and focusing on one task at a time. By giving our undivided attention to one thing, we can work more efficiently and reduce the risk of mistakes.

Top Tip: Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique? Set a timer for 25 minutes, focus on a single task, and then take a well-deserved 10-minute break. This structured approach helps you maintain concentration, boost productivity, and make the most of your time.

Lack of Delegation

It’s common for many of us to have a little voice whispering, “I can do it better myself.”

We worry that others won’t meet our high standards or perform tasks as perfectly as we can. But here’s the secret: trying to do everything alone can quickly become overwhelming and leave us little time for what truly matters.

By identifying tasks that can be delegated, we free up our time and energy for more essential responsibilities.

Delegating tasks also fosters collaboration and efficiency. When we trust others to handle certain responsibilities, we open doors for teamwork, fresh perspectives, and shared success.

Top Tip: I’m a big advocate of the Eisenhower Matrix, a productivity tool that can revolutionise your to-do list. The Eisenhower Matrix helps us to make informed decisions about where to invest our time and energy. In fact, It’s so fantastic I’ve written a whole blog post about it!

Failure to Set Realistic Deadlines

We all have those moments where we try to be superheroes and believe we can conquer the world in a day.

We may overestimate our abilities or underestimate the time needed for specific tasks, and that’s when the trouble begins. We find ourselves rushing, cutting corners, and feeling overwhelmed by the mounting pressure.

The key is understanding our capabilities and the time required for each task. By taking a realistic approach and setting achievable deadlines, we can reduce stress, maintain a high standard of work, and have a more balanced and enjoyable work life.

Remember, it’s not about racing against the clock but creating a fulfilling and sustainable path to success. You’ve got this!

Failure to Eliminate Distractions

We all know how tempting it is to get lost in the vortex of social media, constantly checking emails, or falling victim to unnecessary interruptions.

Creating a distraction-free environment is the key to reclaiming our focus and mastering time management.

Here are some tips to avoid distractions:

● Turn off all notifications on your phone.

● Create a designated workspace of tranquillity and calm (i.e. away from the kitchen if you work from home!).

● Work in time blocks (use the Pomodoro technique!)

● Make time for breaks to refresh yourself.

Minimising interruptions boosts productivity, reclaims valuable time, and achieves better time management.

Poor Time Estimation

It’s common to underestimate or overestimate the time needed for specific tasks, throwing our schedules off balance and leaving us with incomplete work.

Regularly tracking and evaluating the time spent on tasks is essential in your time management routine. By closely examining how long it takes to complete different activities, you’ll gradually sharpen your time estimation abilities and become a planning ninja.

Top Tip: The online tool Clockify is a game-changer for many of our clients. It’s a time tracker and timesheet app that lets you track work hours across projects. The best bit – It’s free!

By avoiding these time management mistakes and making conscious choices about your time, you’ll create a solid foundation for success.

But don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to fix everything at once. Start by implementing a couple of changes at a time. Keep it realistic and manageable.

Good luck, and remember that every small step counts!

If you need extra accountability and time management tips, schedule a complimentary 30-minute business growth session with me HERE.