Many business owners encounter challenges when they first dip their toes into marketing waters – and you know what? That’s totally normal!

Marketing can be overwhelming, especially when considering time, budget, and resources. But here’s a little secret – sometimes, the only barrier to effective marketing is ourselves.

So let’s be frank and talk about those familiar excuses that keep cropping up.

What are the most common ones you find yourself making?

Here are the top nine marketing excuses I often hear business owners make and marketing tips on how to overcome them:

I Don’t Know Where To Start

The best place to start your marketing journey is to take a step back and create a marketing plan. But don’t get too stressed about it. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can even be just a one-page document.

Start by answering these fundamental questions:

● What are your marketing goals?

● Who are your target audience, and where are they?

● What are your competitors doing?

● What are your resources (time, people and money!)

● What marketing do you enjoy doing? (this is really important)

It can be inspiring to see what’s out there and find the approach that suits you best. We all have to start somewhere, and every little effort counts.

Top Tip: The secret to getting started is simple – just begin!

It Takes A Long Time To See Results The Top 9 Reasons We Don't Market Our Businesses Effectively... And Marketing Tips On How To Overcome Them

Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Some marketing tactics might not show immediate results, but don’t worry! The key is to set achievable short, medium, and long-term goals to stay motivated and focused.

You’ll want to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress effectively. These are specific metrics that will help measure the success of your marketing efforts. For example, a goal of brand awareness may have a KPI of reach and impressions on social media.

Keep in mind that your customers need to be taken on a journey with your marketing. Think of your marketing as a series of steps where potential customers become aware of your product or service and eventually make a purchase. This process is known as a marketing funnel.

Utilise tools like Google Analytics or social media analytics to keep track of your progress. This way, you can adjust whenever needed to optimise your marketing efforts.

Remember, marketing is about finding the right balance between long-term and short-term strategies. So, combine both approaches for the best results.

It Costs Too Much Money

When it comes to marketing, you don’t always need a big budget. You can start with low-cost or even free options like social media. For some businesses, distributing flyers with a new customer discount code can be an easy and effective tactic. Just choose what suits your business best.

Now, when allocating your budget, it’s essential to be smart about it. Focus on strategies that align with your goals and give you the best return on investment (ROI).

Speaking of ROI, there are two ways you can measure it:

ROCI – Return on Cash Investment: This involves looking at how much money you’ve spent on each marketing channel and then analysing the results. For instance, you can consider the turnover per channel, the gross profit margin per channel, the lifetime value of each customer, the referral lifetime value of each customer, the customer acquisition cost (CAC), and the conversion rate per channel.

ROTI – Return on Time Invested: This considers the time and effort you’ve invested in your marketing activities. While it might not be directly measurable in monetary terms, it’s essential to assess the impact of your efforts on your overall success. Remember, time is money!

So, keep track of both ROCI and ROTI to get a clear picture of how your marketing strategies are performing.

Remember, you can succeed in marketing without breaking the bank. Just be strategic and test and refine.

You’ll see great results without burning a hole in your pocket.

The Top 9 Reasons We Don't Market Our Businesses Effectively... And Marketing Tips On How To Overcome ThemThere Are Too Many Options & It’s Too Confusing

It’s understandable to feel a bit overwhelmed when starting with marketing. However, I recommend you prioritise quality over quantity.

To make it less daunting, begin with just one marketing channel that genuinely resonates with your target audience and industry. Starting small will allow you to focus on doing things right and better understand what works best for your business.

As you gain confidence and see positive results, you can gradually expand your marketing efforts. Remember, it’s all about learning and growing along the way.

Oh, and when it comes to social media, you don’t have to conquer them all at once! Pick the platforms where your target audience hangs out the most and focus on building a strong presence there.

I’ve Got Nobody Who Can Help Me

We all know that going solo can be challenging. Here’s a friendly tip: don’t hesitate to ask for help and invest in your professional growth!

Speaking of growth, I’ve got some news for you… On the 3rd November, I’ll be hosting an all-day Marketing Masterclass. We’ll be diving into how to create a powerful lead-generation machine and skyrocket your profits. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn and connect with like-minded business owners.

Remember, success is sweeter when we collaborate and learn together. So mark your calendar and prepare for a fantastic day of marketing tips and business growth.

I Don’t Understand Marketing Well Enough To Brief Someone Else

If you give my masterclass a shot and find that you still need extra hands on deck, don’t worry. Most growing businesses outsource their marketing to a consultant or agency.

A good agency or consultant will take the burden away from you by asking the right questions, provide marketing tips and implement the right systems to ensure your vision and ideas are reflected.

Top Tip:  Don’t forget to connect with online communities or networking groups. You’ll find lots of support, guidance and marketing tips from like-minded business owners who’ve been through similar experiences.

I’m Not Sure Who My Ideal Customer Is

Uncovering your ideal client is essential for effective marketing.

Let’s dive into five questions that will help you get to know them better:

● What specific needs and pain points does your product or service solve?

● Think demographics…Which age group, gender, location, and occupation does your offering resonate with the most?

● What are the interests, hobbies, and lifestyle choices of your audience? What makes them tick?

● Where do your dream clients hang out, both online and offline? Knowing their go-to spots and favourite social media platforms will help you reach them in all the right places.

● Dive into the hearts and minds of your ideal clients. What are their key values, beliefs, and motivations? Understanding this will help your marketing speak their language.

Don’t worry if you need help figuring out where to start. I recommend looking at your past and existing client base and gathering insights through surveys or data analytics.

Top Tip: Create a buyer persona or avatar to help you visualise your dream client. Some companies have more than one ideal client. So don’t hesitate to develop multiple ideal clients (personas).

We Get Lots Of Referrals, So I Don’t Need To Market Myself

It might be tempting to take a breather when things are going well, but trust me, staying consistent with your marketing efforts is the key to long-lasting success and growth.

Keeping up with your marketing ensures your brand remains relevant and visible in the competitive market. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to build strong bonds with your existing customers, keeping them engaged and excited about your offer.

Consistency in marketing also gives your business a solid reputation as a reliable and trustworthy choice. It reinforces your position as a market leader, making you the go-to option in the eyes of your audience. It also helps you stay on top of market trends, customer preferences and emerging technologies.

So, please stay visible even when you’re busy!

I Just Don’t Have The Mental Energy For This

I totally understand – marketing can feel like hard work! Here are some tips to help you cope with the mental load:

First things first, break those marketing tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Taking it one step at a time will make it feel more doable and less overwhelming.

If you have a team, don’t hesitate to delegate tasks. Sharing the load will lighten the burden and create a fantastic sense of teamwork.

It’s essential to take breaks too! Avoid burnout by giving yourself some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Recharge those batteries and come back even stronger.

And here’s a little motivation booster: think about all the positive outcomes that successful marketing can bring to your business. Increased visibility, new customers, and exciting opportunities – it’s all within reach!

So ditch those excuses! Marketing is an ongoing process, and consistency is key. Be ready to adapt and try new things – don’t be afraid to experiment and see what marketing tips bring the best results for your business.

To take your marketing to the next level, join me on Friday, 3rd November, at the Holiday Inn in Bexley for my all-day Marketing Masterclass for marketing tips to help you create a marketing plan to skyrocket your profits.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn, grow, and transform your business…We look forward to seeing you there.