Marketing Strategy Articles By Philip Chantry - ActionCOACH

Category Archives: Marketing Strategy

woman buying a product online

The first thing to remember is that “it’s all about you.” That ‘you’ being your customer or potential customer. To drive demand for your product or service, you need to show that it’ll meet a customer need, solve a problem or answer a question for…

8 Effective Ways to Boost Your Sales Conversion Rate

SEO work is crucial for your marketing plan. With it, you can better understand and reach your target audience. What is the importance of SEO in shaping an effective marketing strategy? SEO boosts your content, driving traffic, attracting quality leads to your site and boosting…

SWOT marketing analysis

You may question if you really need to spend time devising a marketing plan for your small business. If you want to reach new customers in your target market, and convince them to buy your products or services, then a plan will help to make…

marketing measurement plan

How do you know if your business is successful? Do you know if your marketing efforts are reaching your target audience and resonating with them? By setting business goals aligned with your business objectives, you have something to work towards. Data gives you the insights…