Sales Strategy Articles By Philip Chantry - ActionCOACH

Category Archives: Sales Strategy

man frustrated because of no sales

Closing deals isn’t easy. Sometimes those sales conversations simply don’t go your way. There are many reasons this can happen. But from my experience, I’ve spotted the same common sales mistake happening time and time again. The good news is that it’s relatively easy to…

young lady demonstrating plan

In an ideal world, you’d present an amazing sales pitch, your prospective clients would be blown away by it and you’d close deals on the spot. That literally never happens! The key to clinching a deal is, the often under-rated, follow up sales email. A…

happy cafe owner with positive mindset

It’s not just clinching a deal that gets sales people excited. A successful sales discovery call will get sales reps high-fiveing colleagues and whooping with delight. It’s the moment when two business people connect, build rapport and realise that there’s a good fit between them.…

how many follow ups to close a sale featured image

You’ve spent hours crafting the best introductory email or preparing an engaging phone call. You’ve connected with a potential customer and they seem keen. You’re sure you’ll clinch that deal. But what next? Don’t sit back and wait for that sales lead to call you…

Businessman on a sales discovery call

If you’re a sales person, you’re probably also a people person. You love to chat, to build and nurture relationships and to engage with people. According to Hubspot, 82% of sales professionals say that building relationships with people is the most important part of selling…

businessman successfully selling a car

Want to convert more potential leads into buying customers? Of course you do. Take a look at your sales process to see if it’s as effective as it could be. Created right, a well-defined sales process underpins your business. It gives your sales team a…

follow up strategy

Salespeople have a tricky balance to strike with potential clients. On the one hand, they can be seen as pushy if they bombard prospects with too much contact. But on the other hand, they could miss out on a sale by not continuing their conversation.…

Roadmap to b2b success

Do you sell to other business people? The art of business-to-business sales (aka B2B sales) can be tricky to do successfully. And the B2B sales process is quite different to B2C sales, when you’re selling direct to a consumer instead of a business. Want to…

woman looking for business coach

Clinching a deal is thrilling. You get a real buzz when you move a potential customer over the line to an actual buyer. But to get there, you have to rewind to the beginning of the sales process. You need to make a great first…

8 Effective Ways to Boost Your Sales Conversion Rate

So, you’ve got the lead and have been going through all the usual steps to win over that potential client, but your sales conversion rate isn’t quite hitting the mark. Ever wondered why? Well, now’s the perfect time to take a step back and have…

Sales follow-up

There’s one common mistake many small business owners make on their sales journey. They don’t follow-up effectively. A sales follow-up is when you stay in touch with a potential customer after your first interaction with the ultimate goal of closing the sale. Did you know…